Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Calon Pandu Pelindo III Mei 2011

PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), BUMN move on port area has require Tenaga Calon Pandu with requirements are:

  1. WNI
  2. has ijazah laut minimal ANT-III
  3. has certificate BST, AFF dan SCRB
  4. experienced as nahkoda with minimal sail time 3 (three) year
  5. man, age per 1 may 2011 minimal 38 year
  6. tall minimal body 165 cm
  7. well body and spritual, doesn't look in the mirror eye or soft lense not colour blind

completion file :

  1. CV
  2. fc KTP
  3. KSK dan SKCK
  4. fc semua ijasah (SD sd terakhir) yang dilegalisir
  5. fc semua sertifikat
  6. fc buku pelaut legalisir
  7. surat keterangan pengalaman berlayar sbg mMalim/Nahkoda dari Syahbandar
  8. pas foto warna 4 X 6 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga0 lembar maksimal 6 (enam) bulan terkahir

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Panitia Rekruitment dan Seleksi Tenaga Khusus Calon Pandu
Kantor Pusat PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
Jl. Tanjung Perak Timur 610 Surabaya 60165
Paling lambat diterima 14 Mei 2011 (cap pos)

  • only candidate that up to standard that be called in course of selection.
  • selection uses system fall and rangking, only applicant that up to standard and best (certain total) that be called to will follow test next.
  • every selection stage is free.
  • commitee decision absolute can not be disturbed to accuse.